Trustees 2018-2021

Retd.Captain Chandra Bdr. Pun
He served in the British Army and retired in very honourable post of Captain of British Army. He is founder chairman of PMUK. He has been working since number of Nepalese communities in UK and Nepal. He is proud member of Pokhareli Manch UK. Mr Pun is always smile and happy to support the organisation. His dedication, advise and contribution has made him very popular in the community. He is prime sponsor of T20 Nepal cup trophy. We are very happy to have him in PMUK. His support and contribution will be remembered all the time in the organisation.

Man Prasad Gurung
Man Prasad Gurung is very hard working and selfmotivated person. He has joined in the Pokhareli Manch UK as a general secretary and promoted to Chairman. He is a team player and always work hard any condition and always hold the pressure of organisation. He is very kind, loyal and very popular face of community. He has been working since number of Nepalese communities in UK and Nepal. He is very proud member of Pokhareli Manch UK. He has brought number of very good project and handle successfully. His support and contribution will be remembered all the time

Karam Gurung
Karam Gurung is very hard working and self-motivated business person. He has joined in the Pokhareli Manch UK as a general member and has taken responsibility of general secretary and currently holding the vice- chairman of committee. He is a team player and always work hard any condition and always hold the pressure of organisation. He has been working since number of Nepalese communities in UK and organised number of events successfully. His unconditional support and contribution in the committee will be remembered all the time.
Notice Board
7th Peeplal Nepal Cup T20 Cricket Tournament -2024
VENUE: Reading Cricket Club Sonnin...